Content marketing is a great way to establish your brand, tell your story, build a connection with your target audience and generate new leads through the distribution of valuable content. It’s really one of the most important aspects of your marketing strategy, which is why your company should invest the time it takes to produce excellent content. That content can, and should, be shared over and over again. By repurposing already published content, your business can reach new audiences and save time on the creative process. Extending the life of your content and expanding your reach is what the practice of content marketing is all about. 

From blog posts and videos to presentations and podcasts, any type of content can be repurposed and reshared, but you’ll want to be strategic in your selections. Do some research and determine what has been the most popular among your target audience. It’s also best to focus on evergreen subjects because trendy topics won’t generate the same level of interest over time. To give you an idea of where to start, here are seven tactical ways to repurpose your content. 

Convert Blog Posts Into Email Content

A blog is one of the most common forms of content marketing and one of the easiest to repurpose. Most blog posts will range from 600-1500 words, providing an ample amount of content to be recycled into an e-newsletter. A newsletter to your subscribers is your tool to stay relevant in the minds of those in your target audience. It allows your business to establish itself as a thought leader in your industry by sharing insights and pertinent information. When it comes to repurposing your blog, focus on the key points and messages that you’re trying to deliver rather than just regurgitating everything you’ve already written. You can always include a link to the full blog in the newsletter to continue to drive traffic to your website. 

Turn Your Published Content Into a Podcast

Having boomed in popularity in recent years, podcasts are here to stay. Whether you already have a podcast or you’re looking to start one, your published content is a great source for discussions. With proper planning and research, a podcast is an easy way to go more in-depth on a subject that you’ve already written a blog about. It’s also an opportunity to bring in other experts in the field, both from inside and outside your company, to share even more insights about the topic and build authority with your audience. 

Turn Your Published Content Into a Video Series

When you hear the term content marketing, it’s easy to instantly think of written content but the benefits of video shouldn’t be overlooked. In addition to their uses for storytelling and education, videos are also beneficial for thought leadership and building a relationship with your audience. Breaking a blog or social media campaign into a series of small videos makes your content even more personal to your followers, giving them a face to go along with a name they may already recognize. When done in a live format, videos can also increase engagement by speaking directly to your audience and answering any questions that may arise. Providing solutions and explanations to prospective customers will go a long way toward generating new leads. Also, depending on your comfort level and production capacity, you can pre-produce very in-depth, focused videos or simply stream live video with Facebook Live or another platform to engage with your audience in real time.

Create a Blog Post From a Presentation

As you grow into a thought leader in your industry, you are likely to find opportunities for speaking engagements with peers and colleagues. Good news; anything you share as part of a presentation can also easily be incorporated into a blog post. In any good speech there is bound to be plenty of juicy content that deserves to be shared with more than just those in attendance. Cut out the fluff and focus on the essential aspects of your discussion to turn it into a successful blog post. While you will almost assuredly build a relationship with those who hear your presentation firsthand, repurposing it as a blog post will allow you to increase your reach and cultivate more relationships. 

Create Multiple Social Posts Using Your Blog Content

Posting on social media is the easiest way to share any blog posts that you’ve written and it’s likely a practice that you have already implemented, but does it end there? When you’re taking the time to produce thoughtful, engaging content that answers the questions your target audience is asking, these blogs should be shared on more than one occasion. Let’s use this blog as an example. We’re highlighting seven tactical ways to repurpose your content. Obviously, sharing the blog with our social media followers is a great first step, but let’s take it even further. What if we broke it up into seven different social posts, each highlighting one of the different ways to repurpose content? Now we’re extending the life of our blog and ensuring that it is seen by a broader audience. 

Compile Customer Q&A’s Into an FAQ Page

One of the key components of any successful content marketing strategy is the ability to answer the questions that your target audience is asking. It establishes your place as an expert in your field. In addition to any blogs, videos and podcasts that you produce to answer these questions, something as simple as an FAQ page can accomplish these same goals. Through social listening and an advanced understanding of your industry, you already know the questions that are being asked. Draft a mock question and answer list to include on your website. Potential customers will instantly be drawn to a company that can provide solutions to a question that they haven’t even formally asked. 

Convert Customer Testimonials Into Promotional Content

When strategizing how to generate new business, don’t overlook the value of your current customer base. You’ve already built a relationship with them through your hard work and dedication. Without coming off as braggadocious, these established relationships can be used to cultivate new ones. It’s safe to assume you’ve had some positive reactions from your customers based on the work you have already done. Use that to your advantage. Take any messages of appreciation that you have received from your customers and compile them into a testimonial page on your website. By publishing this information for prospective customers to see it, you’re providing evidence that your business has what it takes to get the job done. 

One final point to remember as you incorporate these seven tactics to repurpose your content into your broader content marketing strategy is that even though you can identify your target audience, not everyone within that audience consumes content in the same way. Some will naturally engage more with SEO friendly blog posts or email newsletters. Others will be more auditory learners and love podcasts while others will rely more on video or social media. When you repurpose your content, think of it as seizing the opportunity to reach an entirely new segment of that audience who would otherwise miss that content in its original form. This allows you to get more mileage out of your content, build relationships with more people within that audience and engage with them where they already are, regardless of what type of content they naturally favor.